
Advanced manufacturing offers the kinds of exciting career opportunities that today’s young people can be passionate about. Help point your students in the right direction with Minnesota Manufactured.

engaging learning

72% enrollment growth since 2006 at partner colleges.

Source: Minnesota Manufactured, 2015

Statewide Tour of Manufacturing

Take your students on a FREE field trip to inspire them to seek a career in manufacturing. Tours happen every October. You can even apply to have transportation costs covered!

Kids making adjustments to their competition robotics entry

Involve Your Students in Vex Robotics

Robotics provides a fun, high-tech, engaging way to connect youth interest in robotics to opportunities in manufacturing. VEX Robotics is a small team robotics program that asks students to build a robot using a VEX Robotics design system kit. There are tournaments held throughout the state that qualify teams for the State VEX Robotics Tournament.

Educators, we want to hear from you!

You work hard to make sure your students have the tools they need to succeed, we want to help. Let us know what materials or programs we can work on to make your job a bit easier.


Partner with a local manufacturer through the Adopt-A-School program in order to better educate your students about careers and opportunities in manufacturing.

April 12, 2024

Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Tours the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center and Bemidji State University’s School of Technology, Art & Design

Bemidji, MN – April 12, 2024 – Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan recently toured Bridgeman Hall, home to the Minnesota State Advanced Manufacturing Center of Excellence (Center) on the campus of Bemidji State University (BSU). 

During the visit, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan and her…